Monday, January 16, 2012

I'm Late, I'm Late, for a very important date!

So I sat down and made a list of fun things I would like to incorporate in our every day life. I have noticed here lately, and lately I mean for off and on about a year, that we are just not as fun anymore. Aww Poo. And one of the itens on the list was to have a themed dinner once a week. One of my children, whichever one bribed me with enough cookies, gets to pick a favorite book. We would go though the book and figure dout what was eaten or create a meal from the book. {Ex: book: stone soup; food- soup} My sweet baby girl, who is the youngest, gets to go first. And her book was Alice In Wonderland. Ok. Now, I by NO MEANS are crafty. I have hardly any crafting skills or money..... In about an hours time, I bought some construction paper, soem stickers, cupake mix GASP!, canned frosting GASP! GASP!, a mini tea set, and some conversation hearts. WHICH by the way, completely fell in love with them because I FOUND one that read MAD 4 U! Mad hatters tea party- get it. HA! Sorry I will crawl back into my cage. :) Anywho, we threw together some mad hats, painted out mini tea cups, made a fabulous table setting out of newspaper and tissue paper, grabbed some cake stands, made mini cupcakes, monkey bread, soup, blue "tea" lemonade, and away we went! We had so much, I HIGHLY recommend it. Here are some pics, because who wouldn't want to see chaos running amuck! Kuppy
Making "Tea"
Making Mad Hats
Mini Eat Me treats

1 comment:

  1. That is so cool. I really need to do something like this for my kids. You are the coolest mom ever.
